Christmas in July! Almost.

The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least. I starting working on Halloween items and PFATT decided to focus on Christmas in July - Holi-Daze theme. You know me....I love Christmas! They left it open to have any holiday but I was pushing myself for Christmas items. Was so excited to start new Santas, until "life" had different plans we spent 4 days at Boston's Children Hospital with my daughter. She had become Diabetic Ketoacidosis and was in ICU for 2 1/2 days getting her glucose levels under control along with her fluids which were causing her heart to beat irregular. After that, we spent 2 more day in what is known as Diabetes Type 1 Boot Camp for the parents to learn how to care for a child with T1. Let's just say, I was in shock. Type 1 diabetes is so different from Type 2 which is all I ever heard about. This is not brought on by a poor diet or lifestyle, but an auto immune disease where the pancreas stops making insulin for the body to convert carb/sugars to feed the bodies cells for energy. There is no cure. We have to supply her with insulin, by injection, to give her what the body lacks, as well as monitor her levels so we can correct unsafe levels in her body. I could go on, but I will spare you the health lesson and just add that Julia is doing much better, and we are slowly adjusting to our "new normal" life. She has been nothing short of amazing.....a true superhero through this whole experience. I love her more than words can say.
Needless to say the Christmas pieces I had hoped to get done did not come together. The last few days I have found some time to sit and work a little bit on my Double Sided Ornament (Santa on one side and Mrs. Claus on the other). Hoping this gets done for next month (maybe?). There are still some great items available on PFATT Marketplace this July. I have a Santa and snowman from prior that were never listed that are now for sale. Check out what the other artists have come up with. They are spectacular and best of all, the fantastic Colleen Moody is the guest artist of the month! How cool is that!


  1. Sending Big Healing Hugs to Julia! I am so happy she is doing better! Your new ornament is adorable!!! Please, take care Cyndi!


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